Digital Archaeology? Archaeological Computing? Archaeological Information Science?... Which one is it?
All of the above refer in one way or another to the use of digital information in archaeology and for most archaeologists, it is likely these all mean the same thing. Whether you choose to make a distinction amongst these terms depends on how invested you are in the use of digital data and methods in archaeology. While Digital Archaeology is probably the most common term, it is also the most vague.
Archaeology, as any other field, is and will continue to be very much impacted by the advent of digital data and technologies. Digital information and methods already play an important role in every stage of the archaeological process, from planning a project to helping interpret and distribute the results.
Here at the DigAR lab, we are broadly interested in the use of digital technologies in archaeology. More precisely, however, we are interested in how digital information and technology impacts the capture, analysis and discovery of information in an archaeological investigation. We are interested in the application of existing, and development of new, digital technologies (in the broadest sense) that aim to push the boundaries of what is possible in archaeology. We refer to this endeavor as Archaeological Information Science.